The city of Haifa


For Participants

For authors


ICML 2010 - Volunteer Program

Funds are available to provide financial support to a limited number of student volunteers who would like to attend ICML 2010. Students accepted as volunteers will have their registration fees waived for the conference and the workshops. In exchange, students will be required to assist with the organization of the conference and the workshops.

The volunteer commitment will be 8-12 hours and may involve assembling registration packets, checking in attendees, assisting with workshops, technical sessions, and poster sessions, accompanying shuttles from the main hotels to the conference venue, accompanying busses to the banquet and to the full day tour at Jerusalem, etc. Volunteers will be provided with details of their assigned duties shortly after notification of acceptance.

Volunteer positions will be assigned on a competitive basis. All undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students with research expertise in the area of machine learning are eligible. However priority will be given to local students, and authors of papers accepted or submitted to the conference or workshops. The exact amount of accepted volunteers will depend on the number of applicants and available funds.

Volunteers will not be provided with financial support for travelling or accommodations.

Applicants for volunteer positions should delay registration until they are notified regarding the status of their application.

  • Accepted applicants will be registered to the conference automatically using the information they provide in the volunteer application form.
  • Rejected applicants who wish to attend ICML can register using the standard online registration procedure after receiving the rejection notification. These applicants will be eligible for the early registration fee until Friday, June 4.
  • Student volunteers for ICML willing to also attend COLT should register to COLT using the standard registration procedure.


  • Deadline for Applications: Tuesday, May 25.
  • Notification to Students: Tuesday, June 1st.


Students wishing to apply for a volunteer position must fill in the application form, and e-mail the form to [email protected] by Tuesday, May 25, 2010.